Our Mission
Infertility affects 1 in 6 families nationwide, causing extreme financial stress due to uncovered medical costs. Amelia Molloy’s Angels is a foundation that aims to provide hope to families in Kern County who face infertility by relieving the financial burden of expensive treatments like IVF, surrogacy, and adoption. The foundation offers family grants, monthly support groups, and comfort kits to make the infertility journey easier and less lonely. Our goal is to provide emotional and financial support to those struggling to start a family. We believe it takes a village to help those facing infertility, and we strive to be that village. At Amelia Molloy’s Angels, we help create families!
Our Vision
Amelia Molloy’s Angels does hearts. We do hurting hearts, we do broken hearts, we do longing hearts, and we do defeated hearts. We are the hope when all hope has been lost. It takes a village to help families get one step close to their miracle babies, and we strive to be that village.

Get In Touch
(661) 800-7096
[email protected]
PO Box 21514 Bakersfield, CA 93390