
Get your calendars ready! We’ve got some really important dates coming up in 2023 that you won’t want to miss!

About Amelia Molloy’s Angels

About Us

Our Mission

Infertility affects 1 in 6 families nationwide, causing extreme financial stress due to uncovered medical costs. Amelia Molloy’s Angels is a foundation that aims to provide hope to families in Kern County who face infertility by relieving the financial burden of expensive treatments like IVF, surrogacy, and adoption. The foundation offers family grants, monthly support groups, and comfort kits to make the infertility journey easier and less lonely. Our goal is to provide emotional and financial support to those struggling to start a family. We believe it takes a village to help those facing infertility, and we strive to be that village. At Amelia Molloy’s Angels, we help create families!

Our Vision

Amelia Molloy’s Angels does hearts. We do hurting hearts, we do broken hearts, we do longing hearts, and we do defeated hearts.  We are the hope when all hope has been lost. It takes a village to help families get one step close to their miracle babies, and we strive to be that village.

Nationwide, 1 in 6 families experience infertility. The struggle of infertility causes emotional and physical trauma. These families endure extreme financial stress due to uncovered medical treatments. The battle to create the family they have always dreamed of leaves many feeling hopeless and alone in navigating the deep grief of infertility. Many families struggling with infertility do not have the financial or emotional support they need to heal and create the family they desperately want. Currently in California, infertility insurance coverage is minimal if any.

We believe that God calls us to serve the brokenhearted and save those crushed in spirit (Psalms 34:18). We would love for you to join our team! There are many ways to be a part of our village.  You can volunteer your time, host a private fundraiser, host a comfort kit party or donate comfort kit items, sit on our committee, giving a financial gift, or by being a part of our prayer team. As well, you can share our mission of giving the gift of a family to others in our community.

Our Team

Ashley Antongiovanni - Executive Director

I am currently living my best life working for Amelia Molloy’s Angels as the Executive Director as well as baking cookies on the side for Kooke. I would say I have the best jobs ever! My husband Michael and I have been together for eight years and married for three. We have a daughter in heaven named Amelia Molloy and she is who inspired us to start this foundation. We are expecting our baby boy Collins through surrogacy in April 2024 and we could feel more blessed and thankful. We also have two fur babies named Rudy and Theo.

The passion I have for this foundation stems from the pain and struggle I’ve had creating a family. Infertility has played a huge role in our lives for the last few years. From going through the IVF process, to losing our sweet little Amelia Molloy, and to being told at the age of 34 that I should never carry a child again has really put a toll on our future dreams of having a family.

We know first hand the financial burden of IVF, adoption, and surrogacy. Our dream for this foundation is to provide emotional and financial support to those who have experienced the same struggle of starting a family. It takes a village to create a family for those struggling with infertility, and we love helping those families through their journey.

Board of Trustees

Jenny McLean - President

Hello there! Let me introduce myself – I’m Jenny McLean. I am a native of Bakersfield and have worked in Marketing/Sales for over 30 years. My husband and I have been married for 26 years. Our infertility journey spanned five years, including four miscarriages and many procedures that didn’t work out. When we opened our hearts to adoption, doors opened, and we became parents in 10 days… Our miracle is now twenty.

My husband and I are the oldest members of AMA. We do, however, vividly remember our journey. By sharing our experience, others discover they are not alone. Our trust and relationship with God, first and foremost, leads us to His plan.

My goal is to encourage, support, and embrace those struggling through grief and difficulty of conceiving. I will listen, take heart, and remind couples not to lose hope and trust in God’s plan. He sheds light when there seems to be none. My hope, through Amelia Molloy’s Angels, is to pay it forward from personal blessings and walk through others infertility journeys


Cathy Amelia Gonzales - Vice President

Hi, I am Cathy Gonzales, Amelia Molloy’s grandmother. I am currently employed with the Kern High School District as a System Application Specialist. My husband Monty and I have been married for 35 years. We have four beautiful daughters, sixgrandchildren, one in heaven, and one on the way in April.
The passion I have for this foundation is deeply rooted. Watching our second oldest daughter struggle with infertility, finally getting pregnant by going through IVF, losing her sweet Amelia and then being told she could no longer have children was heartbreaking. As I watched her take all her heartache and use it to help other woman, it made me want to run beside her on this journey. I am so excited to help bless other families by raising awareness and support to help relieve the financial burden of IVF, surrogacy, and adoption.

Michael Antongiovanni - Treasure

I was born and raised in Bakersfield, CA.  Currently, I am employed by Grimmway Farms as a Sales Associate.  I have been married to my wife Ashley since 2020.  We have one daughter Amelia, who is in heaven, and also have our dog Rudy.
As the husband, I found it extremely difficult to not be able to help with infertility. Our lifelong goal of having a family felt out of reach. A miracle hit us and we were given the blessing of having Amelia in our lives for a far too short of time. I felt helpless and hurt as we endured this very difficult time. As we began to heal, the more and more stories that were shared with us gave me the passion to be involved in this foundation to help others that may be in similar situations. With this foundation, I believe we can make dreams come true to families who, like us, have felt defeated and out of hope. Although Amelia may not be with us on earth, this foundation will share the love and happiness Amelia has given us and will continue to give us from high above.

Liz Layne- Secretary

Hi, I am Liz Layne. My husband and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary in June and live in Bakersfield, CA with our dogs Gus and Lois Layne.
For many years I focused on my career, and worked for several non-profit organizations before finding my passion for counseling . I have a Master’s Degree in Educational Counseling and am working toward becoming a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. I currently work with high school students as a School Counselor and I truly love my role.
I was diagnosed with stage 3 endometriosis in 2016 after years of unexplained infertility and chronic pain. We were told that our fertility journey would be challenging. We never knew how long or how financially taxing it could be for us to become parents. When we heard about Amelia Molloy’s Angels, our lives changed for the better. We were blessed with a Family Grant in April of 2023 and I am currently going through the IVF process.
I am so blessed by AMA and find myself wanting to tell everyone about the resources this amazing community has to offer. I am here to help and serve those struggling with infertility in any way I can.

Justin Layne- Chairperson

I was born and raised in Bakersfield, CA, but I have had the privilege to call many places home during my college years. I met my wife almost 15 years ago, and we have been married for over a decade now. Though our lives have been amazing, we have had one missing piece, never being able to conceive a child of our own. We are still in the middle of this journey and were blessed to have won one of the Amelia Molloy’s Angels grants in 2023 giving us the help that we needed to really fully pursue alternate routes of conception.
As my wife and I navigated infertility, we did it isolated and alone until we found AMA. It was then that we realized, this is a bigger issue than we ever could have imagined. This made me determined to let others know that they do not need to do this alone. There is a community that exists and understands the pain, fear, and doubt but is there with you through it all. I am honored to be on this board and use my abilities to reach as many people as we can.

Jannessie Barajas- Chairperson

I am a graduate of Fresno Pacific University with a M.A. in School Psychology. I’ve been married to my husband, Joe, for nearly 17 years. I am actively involved in my community and enjoys cooking, planting, and spending time with my family and friends. I am passionate about serving others and was involved for 15 years with an organization that serves foster children in Kern County. Additionally, I was on the board for the Kern County Association of School Psychologists. Currently, I am a small group leader for women who struggle with fertility at Discovery Church.
My husband and I have been struggling with fertility. We are beneficiaries of the resources Amelia Molloy’s Angels provide. I would like to be part of a nonprofit organization that is helping to improve the quality of life in building families in our community.

Committee Members

Monty Gonzales

Ashley Nettles

Sy & Ty Alexander

Jodi Gentry

Rita & Richard Antongiovanni

Tori & JT Thomsen

Makenzie & Brock Beeney

Colleen & Bob Bivens

Jaisyn & Keith Hough

Zach Lomely

Whitney & Brock Bivens

Sarah Jane & Jeff Goens

Joe Barajas

Haley & Ross Hough

Brian Antongiovanni

Charles Washington & Kanish Martin

Donate just $25 today and change a family's future!

With your help, we can ease the financial stress of costly medical treatments and procedures for families who are trying to have children. Your donation will help us change lives and bring families together.


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Comfort Kits

Comfort Kits are given out to remind those struggling with infertility that they are not alone and they have a village behind them to comfort them during these trying time. Comfort Kits are given to those who apply for our family grant, someone can nominate themselves or someone else for a comfort kit as well. 

Family Grants

AMA established our Family Grant to help couples overcome the financial difficulties that are associated with infertility treatment such as IVF, surrogacy and the adoption process. The frequency and amount of grants is based on the availability of funds raised throughout the year. Typically grants are awarded every 4 months, but may be more or less frequent. Grant amounts vary and can be up to $30,000.

Common  Questions

How are family grant recipients selected?

A committee composed of the Board of Directors and members of our advisory committee will review all applications received during the grant application cycle.  Each member of the committee has an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about the applicants to the rest of the committee.  An anonymous poll is taken to determine who the top candidates are.  Based on available funding, the Board of Directors will approve the quantity of grants to be awarded and the amount awarded in each grant.  

Who is eligible for a family grant?

Couples who are legal residents of the United States and are living in Kern County, have been diagnosed with infertility and who require infertility treatments or adoption are eligible for the grant application

How much money is awarded in each family grant and how many family grants are awarded?

The number of grants awarded and the value of each grant is dependent on how much money is raised during the year and will vary based on the type of treatment required.  Grants will typically go up to $30,000.

Where will my family grant be sent?

To ensure that grant funds are being used appropriately, grants will be sent to the fertility center or adoption agency in your name.  For the security of the funds that have been graciously donated by donors, we cannot issue any checks directly to grant recipients or provide reimbursements.  

What is considered a permanent resident of the United States?

A permanent resident of the United States are natural born citizens or immigrants with a green card, work and student visas do not qualify as permanent residency.  

I was not awarded a family grant during the last family grant cycle, do I need to apply again?

Yes.  Applicants must resubmit an application during each cycle.  Please limit applications to one application per cycle.

Can I get reimbursed for payments that I made with my credit car?

In order for us to ensure that family grant funds are being used appropriately, we are not able to issue reimbursements for payments that you have already made.  Payments will be paid directly to a fertility clinic or adoption agency on your behalf.  

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